
Svi proizvodi (3843) 
Kablovi (439) 
UTP, FTP, SFTP (164) 
Puna žica - solid (23) 
Patch - licnasti (12) 
Patch cordovi sa RJ-45 (72) 
Eksterni - industrijski (8) 
Samonoseći kablovi (2) 
Kablovi bez halogena (46) 
Hibridni kablovi (1) 
Fiber optički (121) 
Multi-mode fiber (10) 
Single-mode fiber (17) 
Fiber patch cordovi (69) 
Fiber pigtail-ovi (7) 
Samonoseći kablovi (11) 
Kablovi bez halogena 
Telefonski kablovi (6) 
Koaksijalni kablovi (67) 
50-omski koaksijalni (4) 
75-omski koaksijalni (14) 
Kablovi sa konektorima (44) 
Samonoseći kablovi (2) 
Hibridni kablovi (2) 
Kablovi bez halogena 
Energetski - strujni (2) 
PC strujni i razvodnici (4) 
Alarmni i signalni (2) 
Audio kablovi (1) 
USB i COM serijski (15) 
Samonoseći kablovi (15) 
Multi-parični kablovi 
Hibridni kablovi (2) 
Kanali i bužiri (557) 
PVC plastični kanali (254) 
Zidni kanali (133) 
Parapetni zidni (54) 
Podni kanali (14) 
Samolepljivi (46) 
Boje drveta (6) 
Šlicovani kanali (1) 
Bezhalogeni kanali (65) 
Zidni kanali (28) 
Parapetni zidni (13) 
Samolepljivi kanali (45) 
Podni kanali (20) 
Parapetni kanali (67) 
Metalni pod-kanal (3) 
Alati za montažu 
Bužir creva (16) 
PVC bužiri (6) 
Halogen free bužiri 
Pocinkovani regali (61) 
Potrošni materijal (26) 
Ormani i kućišta (172) 
Rek ormani 19" (107) 
Rek ormani 10" (9) 
Indoor kućišta (35) 
Eksterni ormani (20) 
Elektro materijal (835) 
Energetski kablovi 
PVC strujni kablovi 
N2XH bez halogena 
Hibridni kablovi 
Strujni razvodnici (17) 
Razvodnici 220V-50Hz (9) 
Rack 19" razvodnici (7) 
Eksterni ormani (7) 
Indoor kućišta (53) 
Uzidne dozne (11) 
Upodne kutije (2) 
Aluminijumski stubići (3) 
PC strujni kablovi 
Prekidači i utičnice (182) 
Italijanski standard (35) 
Francuski legrand (109) 
Art S serija (15) 
Art F serija pantone (12) 
Art H serija (3) 
Logus 90 
Šuko utikači 
PVC plastični kanali (253) 
Zidni kanali (133) 
Parapetni zidni (54) 
Podni kanali (14) 
Samolepljivi (45) 
Boje drveta (6) 
Šlicovani kanali (1) 
Bezhalogeni kanali (24) 
Šlicovani kanali 
Lepljive trake (2) 
Podni kanali (19) 
Parapetni kanali (65) 
Metalni pod-kanal (3) 
Bužir creva (22) 
PVC bužiri (6) 
Halogen free bužiri 
Pocinkovani regali (60) 
Potrošni materijal (26) 
IP power control (7) 
Samolepljivi kanali (50) 
Šlicovani kanali (50) 
Energetski - strujni (8) 
PVC strujni kablovi (8) 
Moduli za kabliranje (90) 
Keystone RJ-45 moduli (39) 
UTP - Unshielded (5) 
STP - Shielded (7) 
Kategorija 5E (2) 
Kategorija 6 i 6A (15) 
Tooless - bez alata (10) 
Keystone telefonski (1) 
Keystone koaksijalni (3) 
Keystone fiber optički 
Moduli 45x45 (33) 
Šuko moduli 220V (3) 
Blanko i ostali mod. (7) 
Utičnice (216) 
Nazidne utičnice (38) 
Kategorija 5E 
Kategorija 6 i 6A 
Modularne - bez modula (33) 
Telefonske utičnice (2) 
Uzidne utičnice (46) 
Kategorija 5E 
Kategorija 6 i 6A (4) 
Modularne - bez modula (39) 
Uzidne dozne (4) 
Upodne utičnice (2) 
Aluminijumski stubići (3) 
Fiber optičke utičnice 
Utičnice HDMI, USB.. 
Kombinovane utičnice (19) 
Šuko utičnice 
Pojedinačni elementi (98) 
Telefonske utičnice (3) 
Tooless - bez alata 
Konektori (61) 
RJ konektori (19) 
Fiber konektori 
Koaks konektori (34) 
Šuko utikači (8) 
Patch paneli (124) 
Patch paneli 10" (2) 
8-14 portova (2) 
Patch paneli 19" (27) 
Kategorija 5E (3) 
Kategorija 6 i 6A (4) 
Modularni - bez modula (15) 
Telefonski p. paneli (4) 
Patch paneli nazidni (1) 
Kategorija 5E (1) 
Kategorija 6 i 6A 
Modularni - bez modula 
Patch paneli combo (41) 
Fiber patch paneli 19" (26) 
Fiber patch paneli 19" 
Fiber adapteri 
Fiber kutije (ZOK) (26) 
Fiber kutije (ZOK) 
Fiber adapteri 
Tooless - bez alata 
Telefonske komponente (35) 
Telefonski kablovi (6) 
Multi-parični kablovi 
LSA reglete (3) 
Kabineti za reglete (1) 
19" nosači regleta (2) 
Telefonski p. paneli (13) 
Telefonske utičnice (4) 
Telefonski konektori (4) 
Ostale komponente (2) 
Fiber komponente (200) 
Fiber patch paneli 19" (26) 
Fiber patch paneli 19" 
Fiber adapteri 
Fiber kutije (ZOK) (26) 
Fiber kutije (ZOK) 
Fiber adapteri 
Fiber spojnice (4) 
Fiber pigtail kablovi (12) 
Multi-mode fiber (2) 
Single-mode fiber (5) 
Fiber patch cordovi (64) 
Multi-mode fiber (8) 
Single-mode fiber (27) 
Fiber adapteri (15) 
Ostala fiber pasiva (8) 
Fiber optički kabl (45) 
Multi-mode fiber (10) 
Single-mode fiber (17) 
Samonoseći kablovi (11) 
Ostala pasiva (10) 
Ostale komponente (3) 
Potrošni materijal (5) 
Alati i instrumenti (135) 
Krimp klješta (22) 
Razni alati (40) 
Kompleti alata (25) 
Test instrumenti (34) 
Ostali instrumenti (4) 
Fiber alati (5) 
Analizatori spektra 
ADSL oprema (17) 
Ekstenderi i modemi (52) 
VDSL, SHDSL, HPNA modemi (24) 
G.703, X.21, E1 itd (11) 
Telefonske centrale, Call centri (141) 
Telefonske centrale (9) 
do 100 lokala (7) 
do 250 lokala 
do 1000 lokala 
do 2000 lokala 
Call centri 
do 30 operatera 
do 60 operatera 
do 250 operatera 
Dodatne kartice 
Kartice analogne 
Kartice ISDN PRI 
Kartice ISDN BRI 
HW echo cancelation 
Analogni VoIP gejtveji (19) 
1-3 porta (6) 
4 porta 
8 portova (1) 
24 porta 
FXO portovi (1) 
FXS portovi (11) 
ISDN PRI VoIP gejtveji 
ISDN BRI VoIP gejtveji 
GSM VoIP gejtveji 
VoIP telefoni (72) 
sa 1 linijom 
sa 2 linije (2) 
sa 4 linije (19) 
sa 6 linija (6) 
PoE VoIP telefoni (34) 
sa dodatnim konzolama (3) 
Video IP telefoni (4) 
PoE svičevi 
PoE komponente 
USB telefoni i gejtveji (4) 
VoIP kartice analogne (11) 
PCI (3) 
PCI Express (3) 
VoIP kartice ISDN PRI (8) 
PCI (4) 
PCI Express (1) 
HW echo cancelation (2) 
VoIP kartice ISDN BRI (11) 
PCI (5) 
PCI Express (2) 
miniPCI (2) 
Failover kutije (3) 
VoIP - Voice over IP (154) 
VoIP telefoni (81) 
sa 1 linijom 
sa 2 linije (4) 
sa 4 linije (19) 
sa 6 linija (6) 
PoE VoIP telefoni (40) 
sa dodatnim konzolama (3) 
Video IP telefoni (4) 
Analogni VoIP gejtveji (21) 
1-3 porta (7) 
4 porta (1) 
8 portova (1) 
24 porta 
FXO portovi (1) 
FXS portovi (11) 
ISDN PRI VoIP gejtveji 
ISDN BRI VoIP gejtveji 
GSM VoIP gejtveji 
VoIP kartice analogne (11) 
PCI (3) 
PCI Express (3) 
VoIP kartice ISDN PRI (8) 
PCI (4) 
PCI Express (1) 
HW echo cancelation (2) 
VoIP kartice ISDN BRI (11) 
PCI (5) 
PCI Express (2) 
miniPCI (2) 
Failover kutije (3) 
PoE svičevi 
PoE komponente 
USB telefoni i gejtveji (4) 
Ethernet svičevi (647) 
Neupravljivi svičevi (102) 
24 porta (2) 
8 portova (10) 
16 portova (1) 
6-8 portova (8) 
Upravljivi svičevi (139) 
8 portova (1) 
16 portova 
24 porta 
Fiber svičevi (28) 
Layer 3 svičevi (68) 
Industrijski svičevi (63) 
PoE svičevi (80) 
Fiber moduli (81) 
Šasije - modularne (40) 
SFP+ i QSFP+ kablovi (10) 
L3 svicevi - ruteri (30) 
PoE (Power-over-Ethernet) (74) 
Ekstenderi dometa 
Mreža preko struje (6) 
Fiber optička aktivna oprema (149) 
Fiber svičevi (26) 
Fiber moduli (81) 
Fiber konverteri (38) 
Fiber šasije 
Fiber-coax konverteri 
Industrijska oprema (4) 
GPON / EPON Fiber (2) 
Kartice - PC adapteri (196) 
10/100Mb/s kartice (4) 
PCI (3) 
USB (1) 
10/100/1000 Gigabit (22) 
PCI (2) 
PCI Express (13) 
Serverske kartice 
Dual i Quad kartice (3) 
10GB mrežne kartice 
Fiber optičke kartice 
Fibre Channel kartice 
E1, V.35, HPNA i dr (5) 
Serijske multiport (11) 
Wireless - bežične (46) 
Wireless PCI Express (2) 
Wireless PCI 
Wireless USB kartice (17) 
Wireless minPCI (3) 
Wireless PCMCIA 
High Power kartice (6) 
Wireless 54Mb/s (1) 
Wireless 108Mb/s 
Wireless 150Mb/s (3) 
Wireless 300Mb/s (11) 
Wireless 802.11a 5GHz (2) 
PCI Express (5) 
PCI-X / PCI (18) 
USB adapteri (39) 
Ostali adapteri (7) 
RAID & storage (2) 
Asterisk VoIP kartice (28) 
PCI (16) 
HW echo cancelation (2) 
PCI Express (7) 
miniPCI (2) 
miniPCI (6) 
Wireless kartice 
Wireless minPCI 
Wireless 300Mb/s 
Wireless 802.11a 5GHz 
High Power kartice 
High Power kartice 
UPS-ovi, inverteri i ispravljači (245) 
UPS-ovi standardni (93) 
On-line UPS-ovi (54) 
Rek UPS-ovi 19" (35) 
Inverteri (9) 
DC napajanja (32) 
Punjači (1) 
Baterije (25) 
Prenaponske zaštite, AC/DC i sl (43) 
Razvodnici 220V-50Hz (1) 
Rack 19" razvodnici (7) 
PC napajanja (3) 
AC/DC adapteri (9) 
PoE svičevi 
PoE komponente 
Prenaponske zaštite (4) 
NAS Storage i HDD kućišta (22) 
Print serveri (3) 
Ruter ploče i kućišta (52) 
Voki toki Motorola (2) 
Antene i komponente (169) 
Antene 2.4GHz (36) 
Antene 0.8-2.5GHz (2) 
Antene 3.5GHz (2) 
Antene 5GHz (18) 
Dual band antene (2) 
Dual polarisane ant. (11) 
Antene sa kućištem (6) 
Kućišta (11) 
Antenski držači (10) 
Antenski spliteri (2) 
Prenaponske zaštite (4) 
Antenski kablovi (32) 
Konektori i adapateri (33) 
Wireless WiFi 2.4 - 5GHz (432) 
WiFi ruteri indoor (110) 
Access pointi indoor (106) 
High Power oprema (34) 
Ekstenderi dometa (15) 
WiFi adapteri (25) 
Eksterni HotSpot-ovi (42) 
WiFi CPE klijenti (33) 
Industrijski wireless (33) 
Eksterni linkovi (32) 
3G, LTE, GSM, EDGE (50) 
Serveri x86 i komponente (16) 
KVM svičevi PS/2, USB, IP (33) 
HDMI, VGA, DVI oprema (73) 
HDMI oprema (41) 
VGA oprema (20) 
DVI oprema (12) 
Remote Power & Boot Management (11) 
Cisco mrežna oprema (43) 
Softver (5) 
SuSE i RedHat Linux 
Mikrotik RouterOS 
Microsoft i dr. softver 
Ruteri, VPN, Firewall (41) 
Industrijska i serijska oprema (242) 
Industrijski Ethernet - svičevi, ruteri, konverteri (57) 
Serijska oprema RS232/ 422/ 485/ Modbus/ CAN bus/ USB (20) 
Industrijska wireless oprema (28) 
Industrijski i Embedded računari i Remote I/O (12) 
Industrijsko kabliranje (27) 
IIndustrijska oprema 
Industrijska oprema 
Solarni paneli i vetro generatori (7) 
Pametne kuće i automatizacija zgrada (126) 
iNELS CIB (31) 
RF Control (9) 
BUS kablovi 
Prekidači i utičnice (75) 
Konvencionalne centrale, detektori i oprema (4) 
Video nadzor (267) 
Fiksne IP kamere (81) 
Pokretne IP kamere (18) 
Video serveri i risiveri (7) 
NVR snimači HW (32) 
DVR snimači (6) 
Analogne kamere (10) 
DVR PC kartice (8) 
Ostala i prateća oprema (66) 
Softver i video analitika (37) 
Vivotek ST7501 
Vivotek VAST (1) 
AxxonSmart Start 
AxxonSmart Pro 
Intellect Lite (5) 
Intellect Enterprise (30) 
Detekcija vatre i gasa (113) 
Adresabilne centrale i detektori (70) 
Konvencionalne centrale, detektori i oprema (26) 
Pojedinačni detektori (standalone) (3) 
Protivpožarni kablovi 
Explosion Proof Products (3) 
Voice & Fire Telephone System EN Compliant (3) 
Gas Release Control System (3) 
SAFIE Smoke & Flame Intelligent Eye camera system (3) 
Alarmne centrale (45) 
Torbe i rančevi (10) 
Ostala oprema (44) 
WiFi CPE klijenti (1) 
Eksterni linkovi (1) 
Industrijski wireless (1) 
High Power Oprema 
Prekidači i utičnice (80) 
L3 svicevi - ruteri 



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Vi ste ovde: Svi proizvodi GSM interfon / kontrola pristupa / alarmna centrala, dve eksterne IP65 jedinice, 2+2 x DI sa SMS dojavom + 2 x RO za brave / uređaje, izlaz za sirenu, ,do 1000 tel. sa pravom pristupa, baterija, servisni LCD (WT-9002)

Informacije o proizvodu

GSM interfon / kontrola pristupa / alarmna centrala, dve eksterne IP65 jedinice, 2+2 x DI sa SMS dojavom + 2 x RO za brave / uređaje, izlaz za sirenu, ,do 1000 tel. sa pravom pristupa, baterija, servisni LCD (WT-9002)

GSM interfon / kontrola pristupa / alarmna centrala, dve eksterne IP65 jedinice, 2+2 x DI sa SMS dojavom + 2 x RO za brave / uređaje, izlaz za sirenu, ,do 1000 tel. sa pravom pristupa, baterija, servisni LCD (WT-9002)
20,037.60 RSD
16,698.00 (bez PDV-a)
Šifra proizvoda: 26535
Jedinica mere: kom
Količina na stanju: >10kom

Proizvod: GSM interfon / kontrola pristupa / alarmna centrala, dve eksterne IP65 jedinice, 2+2 x DI sa SMS dojavom + 2 x RO za brave / uređaje, izlaz za sirenu, ,do 1000 tel. sa pravom pristupa, baterija, servisni LCD (WT-9002)

GSM Intercom And Access Control System

GSM Intercom, Access Control and Alarm System

It has a wireless intercom in front of your gate that includes a speaker, a microphone and a "Call" push button. When the "Call" push button is pressed by a visitor, the system will call the owner's phone number automatically via the GSM /UMTS network allowing him to speak to the visitor in spite of the location of the telephone being called. Communicate and allow entry from anywhere in the world as there is no limitation on the distance as to how far the system works. No longer let visitors realise you are out or away as every time the Intercom button is pressed a call is made to your mobile. Should the visitor require access to your property when you are not there, opening the door or gates is a simple matter of adding a number into your phone.

GSM Intercom, Access Control and Alarm System
GSM Intercom And Access Control System (Model: WT-9002 IP65)
Witura WT-9002 GSM Intercom is the clever application for mobile phone technology, allowing people to answer their doorbell, talk to visitors and even open the door whether they are at home or not.
The GSM Doorbell looks like any other intercom system you might find on a house. When a caller pushes the GSM doorbell, it rings the resident’s mobile phone via the GSM /UMTS network. The visitor can talk to the resident via the small intercom panel next to the call point such as Videx 4000 series, Clear-Com Intercom, Aiphone, Cmelit, SRS Intercom and other. The GSM intercom also linked to an electronic door release, allowing the resident to unlock the front door from the mobile phone keypad, using a password.

GSM Intercom And Access Control SystemWitura WT-9002 GSM Intercom System gives peoples the peace of mind that comes from knowing when someone is at the door/ auto gate, when they are not at home. For examples, users are finding practical everyday benefit as well as his children come home from school unexpectedly early, for example you can let them in without having to rush home and open the door. For example if the courier services arrives with a delivery that must be signed for, when you’re not at home, a direct voice connect to the courier details delivery instructions such as a different address to deliver to or another day when you will definitely be there. There’s no need to miss the delivery just because you are not at home.

One of the regional health authorities in Europe is benefit from Witura GSM Doorbell as a way of allowing nurses to respond more quickly to calls from home patients without first having to drive to a central key-holding depot to collect a front door key. In this trial, when the nurse arrives at the patient's front door and presses the GSM doorbell, the call is taken by the regional call centre, and GSM Intercom And Access Control Systemthe operator will be able to open the door. This approach saves important time in responding to emergency calls from house-bound patients.

Enhance your security by not lettings stranger arrive un-invited to your house or business and think no-one is available, as they would have no idea where you are answering the call from and assume you are in, but not available to see them. This prevents burglary in the case of a visitor identifying you were out by the fact you have not answered the Intercom system

No longer let visitors realize you are out or away as every time the Intercom button is pressed a call is made to your mobile. Should the visitor require access to your property when you are not there, opening the door or gates is a simple matter to putting in a number into your phones handset.

GSM Intercom And Access Control SystemWitura WT-9002 also function as GSM Access Control where is a simple device and it also can be fitted to any automatic gate, barrier or electric garage door system at the time of installation or can be added on at a later date. This access control unit works by calling the unit by your mobile phone; as soon as you connect to the unit it will automatically hang up and open whatever it is connected to. As the unit never answers it won’t cost you a penny to phone

This GSM gate controller or GSM garage opener is very secure as it will only open the auto gates/ barriers to those numbers programmed into it. Never wait in for workmen or deliveries, phone the automatic gate / garage and open up from anywhere in the world there is no distance on how far the system works.

These access control systems remove the need for expensive key-fobs in that a mobile phones 'Caller ID' is the key. Only recognized numbers can open your auto gate or doors and any unknown callers will be ignored.
When the householder is at home and doesn't need the GSM mobile functionality, the GSM doorbell can be switched to normal doorbell mode with a single key push.

Witura design the GSM intercom to work with other reputable Intercom in the market such as Videx 4000 series call point, Clear-Com Intercom, Aiphone, Cmelit, SRS Intercom and other. You don’t need to change the existing call point. Just connect the 2 wires from the GSM unit to the unit and your existing intercom will function as normal with added new GSM call function.

The WT-9002 unit also can work as the simple alarm system where it have 2 alarm input which can connect to the outdoor siren near to your automatic gate / garage or motion sensor, door and window sensor and if any intruder, the alarm system will triggered the external siren and buzzers then sent out the SMS text messages up to 3 mobile phone numbers, instantly alerting you unauthorized person enter into the building.

With crime rates around the world increasing every year, it is important that you have an established security system that will stop any possible intruder or criminal from wanting to gain access to your property for any reason. Any security system, including automatic gates / garage that work with WT 9002 GSM door bell and access control, is also a great way to save on insurance premiums. The reason for this is that insurance companies will see you as a much lower risk because of the security measures you have taken and will, therefore, offer you lower payments. A security system can also add great value to your home and also help you sell your home faster, as many people who are looking for a home for the family will try to find something in a good area that has high-security and your home will rank high on the list.

The Witura GSM Intercom is able to work with your existing outdoor call point such as Videx 4000 series, Clear-Com Intercom, Aiphone, Cmelit, SRS Intercom and other. This is just simple to convert and quick installation times. No mess, no fuss and at a fraction of the cost and effort of replacing the entire system.

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